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Promoting newnessness post transition in the new earth and help those still journeying higher 4D into 5D to do so with insight and understanding. Knowledge is power, it is said, we need to be wellequipped with knowledge to navigate well in all situations.
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Energy Update!

Energy Update • May 23

At least, for two last linear days, it may be felt, that Human physical structure has to process certain quantity of the higher solar energy; solar energy that is coming directly from the Great Central Sun, - not the physical sun - and, some can notice sensible difference between periods of the time, during, they can easy and fast, for example, run, do a physical work-tasks, and moments - recent days, during, seems that no matter, how fast you try to move and to do things, all feels slow and slower than usual. Almost, pure effort to do anything; also, possible to feel overload, especially, physical. On May 23, there is returning Timeline 2019 - expression of; it brings ~ back exact the same vibrational energy level environment, and for Humanity to find individual / Collective resource fundaments, that helps to shake of "cyber dream" or unconscious drifting in circles and illusions of this linear March, April, May.
A new detail of information, - it has been actually done for about 4 years, but now, after these four years it is better seen, - each and every energy level event, that has happened after 2020, till present moment and also further is Creating a GAP between 2019 (plus January, February of 2020) and, example, this 2024 we are presently. It's a Gap and Connection bridge simultaneously. I have published before, that there are dots connection points between 2019 - 2022 (Ottawa, Canada) and 2024, 2025, 2026. Right Now - on May 23, there is very clear visual in the energy level or Quantum Field, that, when there appears Timeline 2019 (especially presently), it comes forth, pushing out of its 'path' any of these linear years with all that has happened. Timeline 2019 is moving forth like a gigantic river stream by simple being present, and expressing itself throughout the planetary field and visible Reality.
What's then about 2024? And, Energy 2024, that was supposed to bring massive and strong upward positive changes on this planet? Energy 2024 IS. But, Humanity instead of USING this energy to make the Changes, is somehow STUCK and trust, basically, in everything corrupt Timeline or reptilians and global elite is giving and leading into. Here is an exception like Canadians, blade runners in UK, French Resistance and more groups around the world, who continue to be sane, Resist, to hold the Line, having Understanding. But, mostly, masses of people are without any interest about Where we are, What's happing, What can be done about it. These masses are in "cyber dream" consciousness.
So… cheers to those, who are sane and awake ✨🙌 It's not just about not giving up, it's about the new room for the NEW 👑 WE are creating with own hands, hearts and actions. All focus must go there. We don't have time for sleepy masses on our backs and hope, that we may awake them; we have present Quantum NOW for real tasks to be done, for real conversations having real results, for real connections to make the Real and powerful team Divine New Earthers ✌️ #newearth #unityconsciousness #togetherness #sourceconsciousnessembodiment #evolution #ascension
Highest Love to All 💎❤️‍🔥💎

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September 29, 2024
Oshike osho ?

29/9/2024 Part 1 

" Omwii pya kidila nashike  hano momilema deni omo"???????

Onda promptingua  ndi amplify (  ndii ye life) eshi tashi popiwa momhepo opo ava veheshii uditeko vuudeko!"

Omuna vamwe taakondjifa taati Mk JH omeekulu wavo, na ovena eshi taa kondjele tavati iinima nayi to polwe ashike.

Ota kuti nee!, ava ta muti Mk epata leni,muna omilaulu deni mwedi konga , momhepo otakuti " WINYA OMUYUUKI!, OYO MUNA OINIMA YENI MWEYI KONGA NYEE VENE, YE KEYI KWETE!, NA VALI  KAPUNA OINIMA YO NGERKA YAPWA APA ,EYI YAPWA OYO VAYUUKI".

Onda ka pewa nee kutya nandi fatulule kutya mo vana va Levi! ,omwalya ashike Moses na Zadocks line , ovana va Eli inaa pitamo.

Ondaka ndimbulukifwa vali opo ndii sharing eshi nda unda omueengeli meekulu apopya onghela.
" Okwati , ame  mo paife omhepo ashike,  nande uudite counsel tayi udika, kapuna ou ta mono nge ndili molutu manga,  fiyo nda pewa olutu olupe.naa u ewete nge, oyo uuluvi ashike tau longifa eshi veshiinge nale ( memory).

O mweengeli ...

September 26, 2024
Self government, passing on buttons

Part 1
Because the God given gifts that came on the earth to serve earth were suppressed by the self proclaimed evil powers , those around the gifts were not receptive enough or at all, or those with gifts walked in disobedient.
On another hand children who never spend quality time with benevolent parents when they grow up , miss out from all wisdom, knowledge and mantles.

Are you ready to serve God through the gift He has send you to earth for?
First is for all to find themselves and they shape their characters and let the gifts unfold, then perfect that and use it to serve earth and others.
What a grace and joy to be aligned!

Highlights of Munroe teachings, and visions

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Passing on , the button before translating to eternity by Myles Munroe ( Mk JH just as Myles Munroe did their parts)

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Reign Yeshuah Reign!

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October 10, 2024
What an alignment today?


10:10 gate
20 is 10:10
24 is 12:12

What an alignment.!

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many decades ago.( Lol)

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Physical  country borders are non existent in the kingdom of God, neither color, race,languages, ..., all physical divisions are carbon illusions.

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1 October 2024


Artificial moon in shape of asteroid or spacecraft,  29/9/24 to 25/11/24 here to deliver Justice
By Ishmael Perez

Inheriting a second moon

Singing: omutumwa meme Justina, ta popi , ta popi ye ta lombwelwa, shi gwana, shi gwana sha namibia natu , natu lindululeni , Omuna go muntu teya! teya! teya! , ngele teya ta adha twa wa hala kana !!!

This was a song sang in the early  1980's ( I believe)    " The messenger Justina  who left 17 September 2024 @ 98 years, farewell celebration done 29 September 2024, well done my servant, her work on earth was to deliver what she hears from the spirit of God as a messenger, and predominantly warning the nation of namibia to repent and prepare for the return of Christ. in her last decades she served as a bride ready.( reference readings Isaiah 26:20-21; Isaiah 27:1, and now Isaiah 28...

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