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In heaven there are no marriages, stop soul ties by satan/adversary

3 June 2024
"IN HEAVEN THERE ARE NO MARRIAGES" I quote many pastors including TK Titus Kasindani Ngula


WHY? The bible say " Seek You First The Kingdom of God and all the others will be added unto you".

Earthly marriage is a law, but heavenly marriage is by Grace , Promise.

Key words: romantic relationship vice platonic relationship,
The blessings is between Sarah and Abraham to the seed - Isaac not Abraham and Hagar to Ishmael.
A man is a seed but this seed must be planted in the blessed land that goes with that seedling, that is why we have Starseeds but one seed.
Twin Flames  vice soul mates
Black magic (satan/adversary vice white magic (Gods grace,power, miracles)

Most people on earth have the concept of marriage wrongly, marriage is not designed to be an earthly lust, pleasure satisfying connector, or romantic opportunity, but marriage is of God, and thus is a ministry meant to keep companionship that represent Christ's Union  with His church and His bride  Christ consciousness and do kingdom ministry.  And this was meant to match twin flames on earth , because in heaven they are already one soul . Does it mean if you are twin flames you must be married as married is known in 3D? NO! A BIG NO! twin flames have free will, no one can force them into an earthly marriage, but they are expected to be in heaven union which is not romantic but platonic. Just as Apostles are sent two by two, so are Seraphims in heaven live two by two in their mansions , as companions  The YinYang of one in two as one  ( do not get confused)

" My point is this: The  law, which came 430 years later,does not invalidate a covenant  previously established by God and thus cancel the promise. For if the inheritance is based on the law, it is no longer based on the promise, but God has graciously  given it to Abraham through the promise " ( Galatian 3:18)

In verse 16 this is made clear to a seed not one seed.

The purpose of the Law!
" It was added for the sake of transgressions,until the Seed to whom the Promise was made would come,.." ( Galatians 3:19).

As we  enter 5D = return to Eden, all the purity, organic intention are restored. Marriage is not going to be a romantic relationship or sexual pleasure as known on earth, NO! by the way do we know sexual pleasure is a sin, is lust, that all came with the fall from Eden.  In Eden there is contentment no craving for pleasure .
The real Eden Union is Platonic relationship, and babies are not conceived in sexual physical contact but by spirit. Pregnancy is not a nine month event but even three months, and babies are born happy, healthy and grow fast , except all people bodies stop growing once reach 30 years , you will be 500 years but your body will still look 30 years.remember no diseases in Eden.
So the best way to look at this and prepare for change for those who are journeying 4D to 5D is to read your bible on what came up as a result of falling from Eden ( the curse/consequences) and just reverse that back to original organic then you will have an idea of what 5D will be like, " you will labour with  sweat! No more!-  In Eden labour will be easy, no heavy duty unnecessary, all made easy, by God's grace, power and miracles.

That said I have a story to share on black magic ( satan/adversary)  and white magic ( Gods grace, power, miracles, promise)

A young lady was attracted ( sedated,seduced)  to a man done via black magic although thought of as Love. This young lady is from a strong spiritual family Gods grace,Power,miracles,Promise prevail
This man once asked for the lady's flat key in the capital city , to go sleep there on transit as the lady was on holiday out of town, only to be back after two weeks.

The man got the keys, whatever happened but when the lady came back, found man had used the toilet but not flushed it, you can imagine the smell of a full pot of such  bowel movement two weeks?.  Nevertheless the lady had no choice but to clean up.bear the smell and not share with anyone as it's so called boyfriend, apparently love is blind but black magic blind it. After cleaning up , a habit started in that toilet  pot, a small mouse emerged, there is just a small mouse in that pot till detergents after detergents killed it away

Then a marriage proposal came, accepted but three months before wedding called off by lady , she felt heavy in her , you should see how family engaged this young lady on phone till 4am ( if you understand midnight hour to 3am importance to black magic), wedding  was on again.

Then 2 days before wedding the lady was just crying, even wanted to throw herself out of the car to die rather, till the day before wedding lady is just crying non stop, ( a fight within of black magic and purity in her), she even went late to the place of supposedly ceremony chosen by man family at an ancient church place, just to grow spiritually and realize the meaning ,it was by cemetery although it glittered, ok, then wedding ceremony  happened, the first  night at suppose to be husband family house, something just moving under the bed, a mouse?  a snake? Or what? As lady asked the man got angry, she popped through the window outside just to see the man's mother was ambushing by window. This was a strange environment, happening.
So the lady decided to take a separate bed sheet roll herself in sleep in like a sleeping bag till morning  From there problem started, parents called in , mother angry that the supposedly newly couple will not even have a house,  , if they make it, they will go in with bad luck.that is how a wedding ended in less than a week, never to be again. less than a month a man's friend who was a  best man at wedding died in a car crush , sitting by this family , the mother forcefully told the lady to step on the mans feet??? Not sure she did it , it was odd and awkward.

It was time to dissolve the paper but it kept on off, a year after lady in car crush, the man was first to drive to scene from no where ,after scene go to hospital start argument with lady claiming to be the husband when they were separated, he even went to move the lady paper from her congregation behind her back using the pastor friend there to move her to his congregation behind the lady's back, while on other side the mother calling the lady's mother talking nonsense . So much happened in this story, but to cut the story short years after the high court decided,  as man continuosly  failed to turn up for  court proceeding , the files where missing from home affairs  no record, stolen or never  reached or hidden?, then the old judge eyes were Godly opened,  his heart melted by Gods power and  grace, he saw that the certified copy of a  certificate issued the wedding day was not even signed by the pastor who officiated, and the pastor was long dead, no record at home affairs, and man not there to give his version, each time the messenger of court is send to their house they pretend  they do not know that person. So while the lady in court with her lawyer the third or fourth time, and lawyer tabled that they have no case as there is no opposer, the judge just said " we can no longer waist the young lady's time coming to court alone in this matter, this lady was never legally married, the certificate was never signed, and no records found at home affairs we searched in vain, we send court messenger to man in vain. So according to the law this lady was never married and I now nullify this whole proceeding, you are free. And a nullification/divorce certificate was issued.

This certificate was submitted to church and same church accepted it easy, the man agreed to his pastor to attend that elders meeting but again did not attend to defend his lies, as he has a daughter and told the church it was the lady's daughter , elders were surprised to hear the lady does not have a child, let alone in that less than one week wedding , black magic is stubborn, forceful and full of lies,  so again church declared lady free and issued the paper that church use to nullify such proceedings and declared freedom from such marital ceremony.

Years after this, A revelation was given from the spiritual realm, that " the request to marry was presented before God, but God did not approve it;", so this wedding was celebrated but marriage was never approved in heaven.

The lady's mother said the same after,  she thought she has shared it with the daughter before , that she wanted to delay the wedding. The Father did not mince his words on the discussion about this face to face and  telephonically with this black magic family, following a headed discussion led by man mother , the lady father told the man's mother how unruly she is, and stuck up, in his house man rule, not woman, and she must stop using the husband to say things to lady's parents, and made it clear their daughter is welcome back home, she is scared of mouses and crippling things from childhood and cannot be expected to welcome them at their house, as the man mother expected and not even ashamed to say that infront the lady parents.
Also that she is very young cannot have a house on her own, is an insult to us as parents, says the father, because she is our last born and you trying to tell us we could no longer take care of her, and handed her over to you to rear  her is nonsense, we are having all it takes to bring her up and keep her here, the issue  was marriage not bringing her up to grow.End.

The lady's congregation  old pastor said that family , man is my school mate and friend, if they really have problems with people i have baptized and seen growing in same congregation i pastored why could they not come to me to help intervene? What are they hiding? , Then turn to the young lady and say you are a child of God, remain there. End.

Why I thought of sharing this case in details is to expose the working of black magic ( satan/adversary) vice white magic ( Gods Grace,Power  and Miracles), in communities , churches and how thet are binding and affecting  Peoole of God, which must stop  and end now. Free will is what God gave to His created human with souls,not manipulations/black magic/witchcraft. MY PEOPLE PERISH BECAUSE OF LACK OF KNOWLEDGE,  THEY HAVE EARS BUT CANNOT HEAR, EYES BUT CANNOT SEE, BUT THEY WILL KNOW THE TRUTH. AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET THEM FREE

Often God's people are subjected to black magic into weddings , relationships to cause soul ties and black magic people use that  to keep them bound saying " God hate divorce",  when in fact there is no such marriage recorded in heaven, in this case it was even obvious on earth, no legal contract  , the certificate was not signed. But in some cases even though certificate is signed, you can listen to the part subjected under black magic and conclude that,it  was not  natural. This needs a spiritually matured person to dissect and realize what has happened,.

So many people are suffering today under false covers and dominance due to same black magic  that led to false soul ties ,but even the most elect, supposedly matured spiritually are supporting such instead of calling  for prayers and ask God's side on the matters. The bible say SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND ALL THE OTHERS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU.

Soul ties must be broken in all sexual relationships, black magic weddings , those, should not be the bases of marriages , Marriage is a ministry of God, those  are weapons of satan/adversary to hinder the kingdom of God ministries for 5D/Eden.

The last revelation shared  in the case above , was that the lady finally told in the spirit that, that woman is a reptilian, she and queen reptilian-lizard of england-german are same clan . How dangerous would have this been if this wedding went further than a week? God is God who never forsake His own who turn to Him and Seek His face, no matter what , just turn to God and ask Him like he said " Seek First The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness...", Hear Him clearly,Hear Him correctly , Only the truth will set Gods people free.

Back to marriages, Gods marriages are only marriages that God Himself has put together for His Kingdom purposes, not ones human made through unnatural manipulations, or lusts, sexual pleasures, or sexual bondage/soul ties. So check with God, not man. Eden is organic,natural, original not artificial,
Wish you all well in your 4D journey to 5D/Eden, and Welcome all who just entered 5D/Eden, WELCOME TO YOUR TRUE HOME. Mother  GAIA, 7D awaits you in all Glory, should you decide to pursue that path.

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