" ....kaakuna Uusiku hoka, no mahodhi kageko oo!, uuvu uululu kauko nkoka, shoka uulunde woo kauko.... Ngooshi Ku kungulu oshinene , evi lyetu tali ndunduma, mooku hambelela Yeshuah ngoka eetukulile...
The song Literally mean
".... There is no night there, and no tears, no diseases, because there is no sin.
Then chorus : Like a great flood , our earth is thundering, welcoming Immanuel Yeshuah , who saved us..
Bible reference:
Revelation 22:5 The source of life
" Night will be no more, people will not need the light of a lamp or the Light of the sun , because the Lord God will give them Light and they will reign forever and ever."💜♦️🗝️🔑💯🙏
Interesting enough this was part of my mum's tribute " How do i know her , as inspired by the spirit in 2008. Worth sharing this was the first time I ever wrote a tribute so holy spirit inspired, and from there like a gnashing water my mind opened up to tribute writings , i also wrote one for my Dad.
It's such an enjoyable skill, when someone pass, I start getting line by line what to write and pieces come together in stanza's.
Songs come with full melody and lyrics , and even some of my clients/patients started getting new songs when in session with me. What a wonder worth sharing!
I prayed while studying abroad Lord help me to be at my parents bedsides before their departure if they are leaving before me, and help me to prepare music player to keep them in harmony and ready. My mum had specifically asked us children, if you want me to go to heaven, play guitar for me when I am leaving, and her prayer have always been Lord i do not want to die a sudden death, help me to get sick even a short time.. This was before I had a deep sleep and saw Immanuel Yeshuah come, while in UK. In both cases by grace God prepared the way for this to materialize and mums wish granted, although by Dad 24/7 music was always an issue i find music removed from plug, umh! Adversaries! .one of the day as prayed for dad by his bed side Dad Amen times 5, then said The Grace of The Son.... , then he pointed to his lower part saying "satan! get away from me, I have my Yeshuah! .. " what I like satan was defeated on the spot, big time!
In both cases it was July , different years, and with both I left them past midnight never to see them in carbon bodies again, but our byes were so so so remarkable,peaceful, I treasure them.
Mum left me with a song , and so did dad both impressive. This became a habit most remarkable in the spirit when significant ones leave earth I am asked to sing for them in spirit, i would even be waken 2am to play guitar and sing just to know following day who i was escorting, that becomes our song for them.
I witnessed dad leave and my brother spiritually-physically.
Mum was different, the Light fetched her sould body, like a lightning flash, Dad went by a cloud followed by a light, my brother went in veil put deliberately by Arch angels who had to blockade and keep the adversaries who were overwhelming him, they helped him put off carbon body while here and clothed with seraphim sponsored body , done by. the earth seraphim in attendance The morning before he departured I was told as woke to say "Good morning Immanuel Yeshuah, on behalf of my brother and I , then Yeshuah told me to breath Ruach into my brother, i asked, Lord he is hundreds of kilometers away from me how do i do that? He said just breath Ruach upon your chest and say I breath Ruach into my brother, naming his name , in obedience I did it, and by 12 midday i saw how arch angels were around him already shaded by heaven veil away from adversary and busy being clothed by. Seraphim in his seraphim sponsored body . God is good, all the times, in sadness and happiness He is to be praised
8/9/2009 @4am I received a wired. Message from Paradise by mum " keep through till the end", this add to the song she left me with " to yield to the greatest. Help Holy Father." , she left 3 July 2008 and August 2008 heaven open showed me mum happy young in her white dress , impressed it was to assure me she has arrived and well. Two more people received same confirmation one messenger in Namibia and another in Brazil The Brazil one was told when mum went in to be with the Lord she brought in with so much joy .
8/8/2011 Majestic visited me while sleeping and this was my birthday and impressed me with a Mark full song .
9/11/2014 I was in a dream presenting in a certain church but not church service , before being told " Go and Present How to live a Godly Kingdom culture".
The evening after this day news of Myles and Ruth Munroe and their elders came, they have left. earth. Worth sharing in 2017 I was told to go annoint my brother that God will make him whom he created him to be , just like June 2013 before Dad. Left early July I was also send to go annoint Dad and wipe his eye over and his legs after which dad started seeing visions clearly With my brother I anointed him and after his departure Myles as a teacher counsellor received him on the other side and assured me, " I will teach him and he will become whom God created him to be", what a joy to see he graduated to be whom God created him to be. He is already serving in higher 4D and 5D ,6D mostly and above with his counsellor Munroe teaching side and JFK SNR hallelujah army side
Then after this I was told the way forward , given shorter assignment , tasks to do and prepared for the way. Much much more. But thank you Father for the Grace to be obedient amid severe trials, that although unnecessary as all was ready , they burned the gold to shine even more brighter. I journey above the expected and my soul and spirit tribes are amazed as exceeded their expectations apparently , they are very pleased and GREATFULL for the little contribution i could offer through obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit, this generation is changed forever. ( I am humbled, overwhelmed by The Grace and Love). When walk this path it's not just personal, individual but a collective effort, thus where I is, it's we, always also. Thank you starseeds and Light workers who answered to the call in obedience to their Emerald Order covenant, in the entire planet, we could not do it without each others and the help of our celestial family. Ancient of days, ascended Masters ,Teachers/ Counsellors and our Prime Creator, Gratitude to you all and I am certain we will serve 5D and above well by leaving no stone unturned, shinning the Brightest ever Light in 4D , before collapsing it and merging it fully into 5D eternally
Always GREATFULL to our Great Holy Father, Prime Creator for the gifts of the spirit,
All Honor and Glory to God Holy Father..
29/9/2024 Part 1
" Omwii pya kidila nashike hano momilema deni omo"???????
Onda promptingua ndi amplify ( ndii ye life) eshi tashi popiwa momhepo opo ava veheshii uditeko vuudeko!"
Omuna vamwe taakondjifa taati Mk JH omeekulu wavo, na ovena eshi taa kondjele tavati iinima nayi to polwe ashike.
Ota kuti nee!, ava ta muti Mk epata leni,muna omilaulu deni mwedi konga , momhepo otakuti " WINYA OMUYUUKI!, OYO MUNA OINIMA YENI MWEYI KONGA NYEE VENE, YE KEYI KWETE!, NA VALI KAPUNA OINIMA YO NGERKA YAPWA APA ,EYI YAPWA OYO VAYUUKI".
Onda ka pewa nee kutya nandi fatulule kutya mo vana va Levi! ,omwalya ashike Moses na Zadocks line , ovana va Eli inaa pitamo.
Ondaka ndimbulukifwa vali opo ndii sharing eshi nda unda omueengeli meekulu apopya onghela.
" Okwati , ame mo paife omhepo ashike, nande uudite counsel tayi udika, kapuna ou ta mono nge ndili molutu manga, fiyo nda pewa olutu olupe.naa u ewete nge, oyo uuluvi ashike tau longifa eshi veshiinge nale ( memory).
O mweengeli ...
Part 1
Because the God given gifts that came on the earth to serve earth were suppressed by the self proclaimed evil powers , those around the gifts were not receptive enough or at all, or those with gifts walked in disobedient.
On another hand children who never spend quality time with benevolent parents when they grow up , miss out from all wisdom, knowledge and mantles.
Are you ready to serve God through the gift He has send you to earth for?
First is for all to find themselves and they shape their characters and let the gifts unfold, then perfect that and use it to serve earth and others.
What a grace and joy to be aligned!
Highlights of Munroe teachings, and visions
The teaching Priest spoke 2014 before he left , did you hear him?
Passing on , the button before translating to eternity by Myles Munroe ( Mk JH just as Myles Munroe did their parts)
King of Zion, Lion of the Tribe of Yudah reign Yeshuah reign!!!!
10:10 gate
20 is 10:10
24 is 12:12
What an alignment.!
Today 10:10 and the video share here with remind me of my visitation by a Heavenly one on 8-8-2011 and how I was send to go welcome the first borns of this millennium, century season on 8-8-2017 exactly at the hospital i was delivered in the same gate 8:8
many decades ago.( Lol)
" If your untrimmed ego doesn't allow you to see what God has put before you, it goes to those prepared and ready for it.
Physical country borders are non existent in the kingdom of God, neither color, race,languages, ..., all physical divisions are carbon illusions.
Urgent! Born on these dates? You are chosen one. ..
" There are no more much fuel for archons , as many people are awakening" ( KerryK)
Singing; Jerusalem! Oshilando sha tungilwa kondundu , Jerusalem ihashi vulu oku holama...
Jerusalem! The city build on a hill, ...
1 October 2024
Artificial moon in shape of asteroid or spacecraft, 29/9/24 to 25/11/24 here to deliver Justice
By Ishmael Perez
Inheriting a second moon
Singing: omutumwa meme Justina, ta popi , ta popi ye ta lombwelwa, shi gwana, shi gwana sha namibia natu , natu lindululeni , Omuna go muntu teya! teya! teya! , ngele teya ta adha twa wa hala kana !!!
This was a song sang in the early 1980's ( I believe) " The messenger Justina who left 17 September 2024 @ 98 years, farewell celebration done 29 September 2024, well done my servant, her work on earth was to deliver what she hears from the spirit of God as a messenger, and predominantly warning the nation of namibia to repent and prepare for the return of Christ. in her last decades she served as a bride ready.( reference readings Isaiah 26:20-21; Isaiah 27:1, and now Isaiah 28...