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Promoting newnessness post transition in the new earth and help those still journeying higher 4D into 5D to do so with insight and understanding. Knowledge is power, it is said, we need to be wellequipped with knowledge to navigate well in all situations.
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Divine spark on an unbord child, Divine union Part 2

16 June 2024 Part 5

So really Isaiah 49  fulfill Haggai 1-2, Zechariah 3, Revelation 5, Revelation 20:4-6   of Isaiah 11,12 Daniel.12 , and all scriptures that take us to New creation, New Jerusalem and Source of Life.

Rachel as an ambassador of the many in one, and this time as ambassador of the creator son also, is the Divine Child , who is the Light and covenant as spoken of in Isaiah 49, Rachel referring to the Holy Spirit in this case, the carrier if the presence, glory permanently ( dwelling = adjuster fusion not as a visitor) which the Christ and 144 000 are. Read Malachi 3:1-6

Singing : When we walk with the Lord , the delight of His word ... Trust and Obey for there is no other way to be happy in Yeshuah but to Trust and Obey

Second song singing: Ekankameno, ekankameno lyooye Kalunga Literally mean Your Covenant! , Your Covenant God , build me Your Covenant that No one can break.....

Fresh approach to you all Starseeds and Light workers!

All Glory to Holy Father, our Prime Creator.

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The three significant exodus of our time vice planetary Ascension exodus


The three significant exodus of our time/clock!
( Hahaha!😁 I say time/clock because there is no time, only clock)

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