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Promoting newnessness post transition in the new earth and help those still journeying higher 4D into 5D to do so with insight and understanding. Knowledge is power, it is said, we need to be wellequipped with knowledge to navigate well in all situations.
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The Divine spark in you which the enemy is after uni

18 June 2024

The Divine Spark in you, The Light in you, your star is what the adversary ( satan), his sorceres and dark workers see in you.
When they see that Light , that can be hidden or not hidden, but the sorceres go digging till they see people's lights then they start chasing up on those whose lights are bright and steal them. They get furious with you when they  fail to steal yours , secondary, they fear that your light will torch even those whose lights are stolen and they will see and hear.
That's why the bible says "my people have eyes but cannot see, they have ears but they cannot hear", it's because they are blinded, and  damned by darkness / absence of their stars light.

Once the witches/Wizards and their sorceres steal the lights they start using them to see lights of others BUT they are limited to how far they can go about that, and some light are Immanuel Yeshuah himself and Holy Spirit , so they may see or not see but one thing they can not touch that, it's heavenly and earthly protected. Those whose lights are stolen are like those who have sold their souls, they become carrier of adversary evil assignments, in oshiwambo they say " ohaya humbatele aalodhi". They basically get remote controlled holographically, , see false visions, and accuse the brethrens.

The reason why they start chasing upon humans, accuse them, label is because of failing to steal their lights , fear of those in darkness to be lighted up by the ones who have lights, so its sheer frustration, and insult to their ego, that they stole others lights  but why not  yours?.

I remember one bastard woman in ongwediva, I was going at a mall and she was driving out , but u-turned and came follow me and circled me like a furious jealousy enemy woman, frowning at me while do a complete circle around me in close proximity but I did not even know who she was except there is a name on her car plate , that was the time  i just started building a neurorehablitation unit in ongwediva., the first of its kind that was to treat with freguencies and natural supplements, my specialist and only one in the country at the time.

I asked a friend who that person was , told me and even told me the rumour he heard that apparently she is mad going around at all places asking " who is she ( I) ? Who is she (I) ?, why building here? Ongwediva is theirs, we (she) were first to come here, she claimed apparently.",
From there this woman started visiting my practice on a regular basis paying cash, I could see she was busy deep deep , being a prayerful woman,  i could just ask God's protection...... Story is  very very long with all consequent events following so cut it here, hope it
give you an idea how they come after your light, in this case my light is hidden, but because i was building and performing. They could deduce from that and come after me

They are  never in Truth, always in lies,
Two lies she was in,  Firstly , she does not know me only see me, to me is like i saw her the first time, i  had no idea who she was, all i was sensitive to was that when in ongwediva i used to be followed by strangers that is why i even tinted the car i keep there dark, dark so that they cannot see who else is in the car. A friend who live there because I only used to go do my monthly visits there at first ,  said maybe is because you are a new face in town and is a small town,men here likes women. And I look young so they thing I am young,   which is not true.

Second lie is this bastard woman claim they started ongwediva, she has to get her ongwediva facts right, there was only old ongwediva when the first houses of  new ongwediva ( omagumbo gomalenga ) where build for all traditional authority representatives, and my Dad was ondonga traditional authority representative and permanent secretary then , that's why because he is outstanding ended up also representing Ovambo in the national assembly in Windhoek, before parting and  later resigning from politics and he re joined when returnees came 1989 , apparently  to

keep the blood thirsty away and be able to interact with the ya Toivos his relative and friend who was his boss ( secretary to ya Toivos) when they started  the real movement  before it was hi jacked and turned into a cult of CIA Illuminati by a  power hungry someone who was not schooled/ not enlightened.

My dad knew the truth  and knew how to  clean up his trail,  to restore peace ( call him hyper, he had the energy and was the greater energy that was the only challenge to his, call him  Saul to Paul it will fit him) , he was a visionary also that's why they could not kill him in the many attempts, ask his former  chauffeur and personal guards , he knew when the enemy was coming and will go before he comes, God send a messenger to tell him he will not die in war and it was full filled, his was a Godly one,  he knew the main problem, he knew is  one big snake in the politics,  not the innocent ones following, that is why he went low and inactive in politics irrespective of invitation to partake in this post and that office , he turned them down said no to active politics. He also knew how dangerous this snake was as it is a CIA snake and people were blinded and damned, he opted for safety by being there but far.

Back to ongwediva houses,
It was after these few house were build in ongwediva that valombola houses  also came and it was initially just omalenga houses and those first valombola ongwediva houses. Truth be told, we were the first citizens of the new ongwediva , it was a resident protected area no shop, no hospital only residents area. I was young than but I know.

So claims by someone who came later and feeling she has more right to own a land in ongwediva than others is a big liar plus who gave her right above other human beings rights,  if not the Illuminati she has sold her soul to ?, she profess darkness while deceiving people with church on the front?

This was all about dark and light,the dark ones chose dark but yet they want to walk in the light of Holy Father God which is not possible

They chase up on those who refuse to sell their souls,  to be stolen, they  sense danger as they know their Light  can light up for those in dark , hence enemy  get very furious with accusations, torture, killings, doing  all evils they do, terrorist , bloodsuckers them, and all their evil rituals

" outside are the dogs, the sorceres, the sexually immoral,the murders, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practice falsehood" ( Revelation 22:12 but worth reading verses 12-21)

Singing: Tiilila Ombepo yoye , moomwenyo dhetu Kalunga , Tate Tiilila Ombepo yoye... THIS IS A CHORUS literally meaning " Holy Father pour Your Holy Spirit into our hearts....

Second song: Tate kwathandje uupenda ngame Oka mwoye , ndaa kaka nithe moondjenda ooshifetha shoye...
Literally this song means Holy Father help me in the journey so that I do not loose your essence....

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" Omwii pya kidila nashike  hano momilema deni omo"???????

Onda promptingua  ndi amplify (  ndii ye life) eshi tashi popiwa momhepo opo ava veheshii uditeko vuudeko!"

Omuna vamwe taakondjifa taati Mk JH omeekulu wavo, na ovena eshi taa kondjele tavati iinima nayi to polwe ashike.

Ota kuti nee!, ava ta muti Mk epata leni,muna omilaulu deni mwedi konga , momhepo otakuti " WINYA OMUYUUKI!, OYO MUNA OINIMA YENI MWEYI KONGA NYEE VENE, YE KEYI KWETE!, NA VALI  KAPUNA OINIMA YO NGERKA YAPWA APA ,EYI YAPWA OYO VAYUUKI".

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O mweengeli ...

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Self government, passing on buttons

Part 1
Because the God given gifts that came on the earth to serve earth were suppressed by the self proclaimed evil powers , those around the gifts were not receptive enough or at all, or those with gifts walked in disobedient.
On another hand children who never spend quality time with benevolent parents when they grow up , miss out from all wisdom, knowledge and mantles.

Are you ready to serve God through the gift He has send you to earth for?
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What a grace and joy to be aligned!

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10:10 gate
20 is 10:10
24 is 12:12

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Artificial moon in shape of asteroid or spacecraft,  29/9/24 to 25/11/24 here to deliver Justice
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Inheriting a second moon

Singing: omutumwa meme Justina, ta popi , ta popi ye ta lombwelwa, shi gwana, shi gwana sha namibia natu , natu lindululeni , Omuna go muntu teya! teya! teya! , ngele teya ta adha twa wa hala kana !!!

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