This morning I woke geared and prompted to write a tribute for and by Mother Earth Gaia , her contemporaries and predecessors as spirit led.
KEYS: Sun Diamond Emerald
In the process I heard clearly a disheartened voice of mother earth say " nenyeme, omwali mwa hala mu di paenge ndishi, tamuti omahooli"
Literally mean" you wanted to kill me saying is oil"
Of note and Significant today, as @ Genesis 15: 13-21 the clock turned 14:14 , get '" what a real covenant renewal, mercy!"
With it,
I found this important word of the time by Veronika West ,
Veronika West is one of the powerful voice in the kingdom of God on earth, 1 December 2016 she released the word how the 24 elders were gathering followed by events that today we can all agree are fulfilled
Here is the latest from Veronika West
Titled: A NEW NATION OF 2000-3000 IS HERE!
_ The Nation of 1776 troubled by 1971 issues,stirred up the heavens and the first wave of the last waves of Light workers and Starseeds of crystalline arrived in 1972.
The crystalline of the hopi prophecy . JFK senior is to be applaused but not above Yeshuah Immanuel, for signalling and alerting heaven that the next wave of Light workers and Starseeds was due, earth situation demands.
So it is, and so shall it be.
His predecessors are to be thanked for not loosing the vision of who they are in the earth, the Sovereign beings of the Holy Father God, thus the first wave of the last Light workers and Starseeds arrived 1972 to deal with the remaining nonsense in the earth. Big gates of energy where opened in the spirit 8:8 for the Michaels team to arrive, other gates from 1:1 to 12:12 where with them,till 2012 when all cycles ended, and 2017 when the first wave of Lightworkets and Starseeds of the new season arrived. So it is, and so shall it be.
So surely the 2000 nation of 3000 is already here, surely the old system of evil has already crumbled ( uuyuni owa hulapo) and the new systems of the benevolent is already here ( uuyuni uupe weya), and that is the end of the world system ( ehulilo lounyuni).
So it is, and so shall it be
-Most humans remain ignorant and colonized by their own minds, not being able to see the Light that has come in the earth, the Light leading ( The Star). In their ignorance and colony, they keep asking when is the world ending?,when is the star falling?,, the clue is Psalm 2, the gate in Isaiah 26:20-21, Isaiah 27:1, and The Lord's vineyard Isaiah 27:2-. So it is, and so shall it be
If you have eyes but can't see,ears but can't hear, that is surely an inner thing not outer thing, as long as 1 or 2 are seeing it, you have much to work out from within. My people perish because of lack of knowledge/understanding says the bible,They will know the truth and the Truth shall set them free, only Truth set free, not lies, or falsehood
So it is, and so shall it be
Isaiah 49:6 " ...I will also make you a Light for the nations to be my salvation to the ends of the earth. In verse seven , "..to the one who is despised,to the one abhorred by people, to a servant of rulers, ", and in verse eight ".. I will keep you to be a covenant for the people, to restore the land , to make them posses the desolate inheritances...".
So it is, and so shall it be
Open your eyes and ears and listen carefully ,attentively, the world is a system , the earth is a land.
Systems can either enslave you or free you from slave.
Malachi 3:1 tell us , " See!, I am going to send you a messenger and he will clear the way before me, this is just as it happened during John the baptist and Immanuel Yeshuah. Then the Lord you seek will suddenly come to his temple, the messenger of the covenant you delight in .
So it is, and so shall it be.
-Jerusem is the heavenly system,, for earthly Jerusalem system, and Edentia is the heavenly constellations,that is the earth Eden land.
listening carefully it's obvious, first the messenger, second the messenger of the covenant, who is lord. God is the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Take note of the kings and lords of the Big King and Big Lord.
The star has fallen, and the cycles has ended 2012.
The 1776 Nation has served it's purpose, can we put up the 2000 of 3000 Nation now please!.
So it is, and So shall it be, Hallelujah!
Sing along Holy Holy Holy , Lord God Almighty....
End of Tribute
29/9/2024 Part 1
" Omwii pya kidila nashike hano momilema deni omo"???????
Onda promptingua ndi amplify ( ndii ye life) eshi tashi popiwa momhepo opo ava veheshii uditeko vuudeko!"
Omuna vamwe taakondjifa taati Mk JH omeekulu wavo, na ovena eshi taa kondjele tavati iinima nayi to polwe ashike.
Ota kuti nee!, ava ta muti Mk epata leni,muna omilaulu deni mwedi konga , momhepo otakuti " WINYA OMUYUUKI!, OYO MUNA OINIMA YENI MWEYI KONGA NYEE VENE, YE KEYI KWETE!, NA VALI KAPUNA OINIMA YO NGERKA YAPWA APA ,EYI YAPWA OYO VAYUUKI".
Onda ka pewa nee kutya nandi fatulule kutya mo vana va Levi! ,omwalya ashike Moses na Zadocks line , ovana va Eli inaa pitamo.
Ondaka ndimbulukifwa vali opo ndii sharing eshi nda unda omueengeli meekulu apopya onghela.
" Okwati , ame mo paife omhepo ashike, nande uudite counsel tayi udika, kapuna ou ta mono nge ndili molutu manga, fiyo nda pewa olutu olupe.naa u ewete nge, oyo uuluvi ashike tau longifa eshi veshiinge nale ( memory).
O mweengeli ...
Part 1
Because the God given gifts that came on the earth to serve earth were suppressed by the self proclaimed evil powers , those around the gifts were not receptive enough or at all, or those with gifts walked in disobedient.
On another hand children who never spend quality time with benevolent parents when they grow up , miss out from all wisdom, knowledge and mantles.
Are you ready to serve God through the gift He has send you to earth for?
First is for all to find themselves and they shape their characters and let the gifts unfold, then perfect that and use it to serve earth and others.
What a grace and joy to be aligned!
Highlights of Munroe teachings, and visions
The teaching Priest spoke 2014 before he left , did you hear him?
Passing on , the button before translating to eternity by Myles Munroe ( Mk JH just as Myles Munroe did their parts)
King of Zion, Lion of the Tribe of Yudah reign Yeshuah reign!!!!
10:10 gate
20 is 10:10
24 is 12:12
What an alignment.!
Today 10:10 and the video share here with remind me of my visitation by a Heavenly one on 8-8-2011 and how I was send to go welcome the first borns of this millennium, century season on 8-8-2017 exactly at the hospital i was delivered in the same gate 8:8
many decades ago.( Lol)
" If your untrimmed ego doesn't allow you to see what God has put before you, it goes to those prepared and ready for it.
Physical country borders are non existent in the kingdom of God, neither color, race,languages, ..., all physical divisions are carbon illusions.
Urgent! Born on these dates? You are chosen one. ..
" There are no more much fuel for archons , as many people are awakening" ( KerryK)
Singing; Jerusalem! Oshilando sha tungilwa kondundu , Jerusalem ihashi vulu oku holama...
Jerusalem! The city build on a hill, ...
1 October 2024
Artificial moon in shape of asteroid or spacecraft, 29/9/24 to 25/11/24 here to deliver Justice
By Ishmael Perez
Inheriting a second moon
Singing: omutumwa meme Justina, ta popi , ta popi ye ta lombwelwa, shi gwana, shi gwana sha namibia natu , natu lindululeni , Omuna go muntu teya! teya! teya! , ngele teya ta adha twa wa hala kana !!!
This was a song sang in the early 1980's ( I believe) " The messenger Justina who left 17 September 2024 @ 98 years, farewell celebration done 29 September 2024, well done my servant, her work on earth was to deliver what she hears from the spirit of God as a messenger, and predominantly warning the nation of namibia to repent and prepare for the return of Christ. in her last decades she served as a bride ready.( reference readings Isaiah 26:20-21; Isaiah 27:1, and now Isaiah 28...